Healers are very good in this game and all of them combine healing and offensive abilities - caster or a melee. Plenty of awesome guides out there for cookie cutter builds. Whatever you choose, do your research for how you want to play and build your gear and spec around that. Marauder can be complicated but they are fairly powerful.

in other words you will be dead all the time if you don’t have 2 nice people to carry you. I’d say stay away from Choppa/Slayer in the beginning as they really require guard from a tank as well as heals to reach maximum potential. They can all be built to be glass cannons. Melee has lots of options too, can’t really go wrong with any of them in my opinion. Engineer or magus for max range shenanigans. If you go ranges DPS I would recommend Squig Herder or Shadow Warrior. Leveling a tank is unrewarding but if you are a solo player you can do some cool 2h stuff at higher levels. I also found Archmage/Shaman healing easier and more enjoyable than RP/Zealot. If you are going to heal, I would recommend staying away from DoK or WP to start as they can be pretty challenging with little to no direct healing and a mechanic that takes good gear and practice to master.